Someone waiting in the lobby of a Hotel Imperial amid
the spaciousness tourists and peeling gold leaf
might see it all as too hesitant for truth
Might think for a moment about the art in scattering
too solidly carved tables crowding too many dreams
before dim Victorian sofas
Might remember certain high-backed chairs or a woman
that could lend a touch of veracity to this place
From this might wonder if truth is possible if always
and everywhere there is the notion stage
as true of a bed as of a lobby
Imagine now Kay as she steps through glass doors and
someone who glancing up sees her suggest everything
is possible no is probable in this place
Someone who can tell from the easy music of her walk
how decades and sophistication have slipped from her
without a rustle
How she has stepped into these brighter softer eyes
into this clear joyous laughter with out memory
Such a man now iron-grey and ramrod may welcome years
hovering about her bare feet scent of prairies
songs of experience and struggle
May insist only on allegory: glitter and glass slippers
smile on a killer toy
From the roof garden opposite our old old man ungentle
in this summer night gestures furiously slashes
at his wheelchair a daughter burdened with wet sheets
hurries to hang them
Then kneels before the old one to rub his hands between
her own until he smiles
I turn away from this worrying its meaning its small
beauties tiny hungers and comforts how like
an electric charge the attentions of One
They step together into the leafy romantic air and
Las Ramblas Kay jaunty as hell her summer affairs
the slow burning flame that makes autumn bearable
That perfumes her air as she moves towards the grave
its slow inexorable stages
Jane flat in her deck chair calls to me... she didn’t
come to Barcelona for love love is hard one wants
something softer only a little pain a little grace
and limited fallout...
On our last evening I search for the world that is resolution
to her story but she dances down stone streets
shimmies in tavernas spins in the dim light
and that spurious lobby
Perhaps more allegory perhaps someone watching closely
will see her catch her lower lip between bruising teeth
on the stroke of midnight
Now high above the city we stand on that terrace
I am saying Look look where we are the rotting stone
the ragged haze from a thousand years of intention
the avenue those trees
Listen she says listen to bells carve the hours
“Kay in Summer” was originally published in Conception of Winter copyright © 1995. Reproduced by permission of Goose Lane Editions.